Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Twins

Twins! I still remember the day I was told I was having twins, December 3, 2007. I was at a loss for words, I still am today. Hunter Paul and Ryan Ruger were born June 19, 2008. We were very lucky to have two healthy boys. Five months later they are very happy and healthy and growning like weeds. I have never had to do something so hard yet so rewarding at the same time. I have been told that it is double the work and trouble, I would have to disagree, it is much more than double. However, at the end of the day I get to get double the kisses and loves. I love my boys.


What can I say about Em, she is such a smart and funny little girl. She turned 3 in August and everyday she amazes me with her imagination and vocabulary. She makes me tired trying to keep up with her! She started in preschool in September and loves the seeing her teacher and all of the kids. Everyday she asks if it is time to go to school. Emily also enjoys to sing and dance like all of the Disney princesses, she is our little princess through and through!


So I finally tried this whole blogging thing and I think I am getting the hang of it, kind of. I thought I would try and keep up with my sister in laws and keep everyone updated about our little family. Wish me luck! :0)

The Dial Family